Workforce Development


Health & Wellness

Child Development

Teens and Adults with ASD


We support programs in these areas of the life of the whole child from birth to adult independent living.

Our education and experience extends to Toddlers through to Adult age individuals with disabilities.  We are now active in the field of training teens and adults with disabilities in work related  “soft skills” to prepare  them to enter the workforce.  We are registered with Florida Vocational Rehabilitation.

A focus of our work extends to disabled veterans who need support with regaining their place in the community.  We work with Veteran organizations locally and national to identify those who need support for jobs and  work to get them the services, supports, jobs that they need.  The Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Chapter 31 Program is the national program that helps veterans with employment.  If they do not qualify with that program, there is a possibility that the Florida VR program may be another option to help them.  We can help them with this Florida VR program to see if they are eligible and help them through the process.

Our programs of Workforce Development,  Literacy, and Health/Wellness  can help individuals with disabilities at different stages of their life.  We have programs for Disabled Veterans and  for individuals with  developmental disabilities.